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The Section 7 Training Blog

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Hello and thanks for taking a look at our latest posts. Though the blog is still in its early stages and the number of posts is small right now, it will certainly grow over time as new events and topics of interest present themselves within the Section 7 universe. We hope you find this first sampling informative and that you will continue to check back from time to time to see what's new.

Benefit of the Doubt
The other day I was reminded of the phrase “benefit of the doubt”. This phrase gets used occasionally in conversations around Section 7 consultation. It is mentioned in the handbook, and it's mentioned in the preamble to the 1986 regulation revisions. That particular use of the phrase comes from page 12 of a 1979 Congressional Conference Report where changes to the wording in the Act were being debated. Initially, the conversations that I heard around this phrase didn't make a lot of sense to me

Preambles to Regulations
An often-overlooked source of insight into the rules and process of consultation are the preambles to regulations. Any time a regulation is put in place, or changed, it has to be published in the Federal Register (the “Government’s Newspaper”) https://www.federalregister.gov/. I have posted what I think are the 3 most relevant Federal Register notices for consultation practitioners on our Resources page.

Draft Handbook
I mentioned a revised handbook in the previous post. Most practitioners know that one was being drafted in 2020. Where it was relevant, some areas were, of course, framed on the text of the most current (2019 50 CFR 402) consultation regulation revisions. That draft made it through a great deal of review and was headed for the next step in the process. However, the Service was sued on the 2019 revisions ...

Errors in the Handbook
During trainings, I and other instructors often mention that the 1998 consultation handbook has a few errors in it and that some of the practices mentioned in it have either been changed or fallen out of favor. Of course, then I’m approached after the class by new practitioners always wanting to know if someone has put together a document identifying these points. Though an errata sheet was put out late in 1998 describing a few typos etc., I don’t know of anything more detailed...

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